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Friday, March 26, 2010

3 months!

This time, three months ago, I was on an adrenaline rush in the hospital visiting with family who have stopped by my room to see H.  I know I say it a million times but that seems like a lifetime ago!  She has grown so much, become such an awesome little being.  Everyday is something new and exciting.  I now understand how parents always say that it allows you to look at things new and fresh.  Reaching out and grabbing something is common, everyday activity for all of us but it is no small feat for Ms H.  It takes intense concentration and, even then, sometimes doesn't pan out for her.  All the things that she still has to experience.  I am so excited for her...and for us.

So, last night's jammy trial didn't work as planned.  We put her to bed in jammies but her arms still have a mind of their own - and their minds never sleep!  She tried really hard and put herself back to sleep a couple of times but I could tell it was going to be a rough night for her.  She was SOO tired, everytime I picked her up she would instantly fall asleep (because I was holding her crazy arms).  So I decided that we would chance her rolling over again and just put her back in the Woombie.  I put her down for the last time in her Woombie at 11 PM and she didn't budge or make a peep until 6 AM.  I guess she is still too young (and still has too little control over her arms) to sleep in big girl jammies.  But that's ok.  Whatever works for her!

We also decided to take the bumpers BACK out after seeing that she scooted herself around until her face was merely inches from them.  I am sure she could still breathe but T and I couldn't until we knew that there was nothing in her crib that could cause any problems.  Our next step is to try a sleep positioner - T just left to go find one at BRU.  We are hoping that it will keep her in place so that she doesn't move around the crib and end up against the rails bumping her head or trapping her feet.

Today, Ms H spent time with Auntie Erin while I went to a lunch meeting (and had my nails done before that).  Erin is a professional nanny so it was very comforting knowing that H was in good hands!  T was still here but upstairs in his office working.  He was quite impressed with how quiet and perfect everything went.  I'm not surprised but I am very grateful!  It was such a peace of mind knowing that H was with Erin! 

I love being back in the event business, having meetings with adults and talking about other things other than diapers (although we did talk about our kids).  But, I must admit, I missed H tremendously!  I think it is because we are attached at the hip (quite literally) all day and all night everyday and every night.  She is my bestest buddy!  It feels very weird not to have her in the backseat or with me when I am out.  But it was a nice break and I love being a professional again.  It feels great to dress up, put on makeup and plan this event.  It makes me feel REAL again!

Below are H's 3 month pics...

Big stretch

Happy to be 3 months!!

But exhausting at the same time!


Donda said...

OMG I want to hold her, make goo-goo noises sniff her baby head and inspect her little toes!!